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Validation of cervical cancer screening methods in HIV positive women from Johannesburg South Africa




BACKGROUND: HIV-infected women are at increased risk for developing cervical cancer. Women living in resource-limited countries are especially at risk due to poor access to cervical cancer screening and treatment. We evaluated three cervical cancer screening methods to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 and above (CIN 2+) in HIV-infected women in South Africa; Pap smear, visual inspection with 5% acetic acid (VIA) and human papillomavirus detection (HPV). METHODS: HIV-infected women aged 18-65 were recruited in Johannesburg. A cross-sectional study evaluating three screening methods for the detection of the histologically-defined gold standard CIN-2 + was performed. Women were screened for cervical abnormalities with the Digene HC2 assay (HPV), Pap smear and VIA. VIA was performed by clinic nurses, digital photographs taken and then later reviewed by specialist physicians. The sensitivity, specificity and predictive valves for CIN-2 + were calculated using maximum likelihood estimators. RESULTS: 1,202 HIV-infected women participated, with a median age of 38 years and CD4 counts of 394 cells/mm 3 . One third of women had a high grade lesion on cytology. VIA and HPV were positive in 45% and 61% of women respectively. Estimated sensitivity/specificity for HPV, Pap smear and VIA for CIN 2+ was 92%/51.4%, 75.8%/83.4% and 65.4/68.5% (nurse reading), respectively. Sensitivities were similar, and specificities appeared significantly lower for the HPV test, cytology and VIA among women with CD4 counts ≤200 cells/mm 3 as compared to CD4 counts >350 cells/mm 3 . CONCLUSIONS: Although HPV was the most sensitive screening method for detecting CIN 2+, it was less specific than conventional cytology and VIA with digital imaging review. Screening programs may need to be individualized in context of the resources and capacity in each area.
机译:背景:感染艾滋病毒的妇女患子宫颈癌的风险增加。由于缺乏宫颈癌筛查和治疗的机会,生活在资源有限的国家中的妇女尤其面临危险。我们评估了三种宫颈癌筛查方法,以检测南非感染艾滋病毒的妇女的宫颈上皮内瘤样变2级及以上(CIN 2+);子宫颈抹片检查,用5%乙酸(VIA)进行目视检查,并检测人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)。方法:在约翰内斯堡招募18-65岁的HIV感染妇女。进行了一项横断面研究,评估了三种用于检测组织学定义的金标准CIN-2 +的筛选方法。使用Digene HC2分析(HPV),子宫颈抹片检查和VIA对妇女进行宫颈异常筛查。 VIA由临床护士进行,拍摄数码照片,然后由专科医生进行复查。使用最大似然估计量计算CIN-2 +的敏感性,特异性和预测阀。结果:1,202名受HIV感染的妇女参加,中位年龄为38岁,CD4计数为394细胞/ mm 3。三分之一的女性在细胞学上有高度病变。女性的VIA和HPV阳性分别为45%和61%。对于CIN 2 +,HPV,子宫颈抹片检查和VIA的估计敏感性/特异性分别为92%/ 51.4%,75.8%/ 83.4%和65.4 / 68.5%(护士读数)。与CD4计数> 350细胞/ mm 3相比,CD4计数≤200细胞/ mm 3的女性对HPV检测,细胞学和VIA的敏感性相似,且特异性明显降低。结论:尽管HPV是检测CIN 2+的最灵敏的筛查方法,但其特异性不如常规细胞学和VIA(经数字成像检查)。筛选程序可能需要根据每个领域的资源和能力进行个性化设置。



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